EUM Platform 6.0.8124.4

Version: 6.0.8124.4

User Manager

  • New security level allows non admin users to add groups
    • Must be members in the EUM Admin Add Group
  • Ability to change the registered email address for a user account
    • The user assigned permissions in Microsoft 365 are maintained.
  • License management through EUM Admin
    • License can be full suite license or individual product licenses
    • Ability to update the license through EUM Amin
  • New Azure AD Page with convenient links
    • Terms of Use and Conditional Access Policies
    • App Services
  • Quick Links Section with convenient links
    • EUM Configuration site
    • EUM portal

  • Enhanced Join Page Functionality for Add a Group
    • Designate Registration Type (Invitation only, Private, Public)
    • Auto-approvals for designated Email domains
  • Support for new Member rollup section on Add a Group - Member Page tab
  • Support for new Join Page rollup section on Add a Group - Join Page tab


  • Updated Group rollups displaying My Groups, Public Groups according to custom or alphabetic sorting