EUM Platform 6.0.8364.1

Version: 6.0.8364.1

Extranet User Manager

  • New EUM Managers Group for Business Users
    • Members are EUM Administrators
    • Azure AD Administrator privileges (Global, User, Group) not necessary
    • Allows for EUM Administrators group to be dedicated to technical administrators
    • EUM Admin can be provided with optional access to Azure AD EUM Resource Group for enhanced client support
  • Enhanced security for EUM Admin Power BI Dashboard Reports
    • Implementation of RLS (row-level security) to enable security trimming by roles as follows:
      • EUM Administrator or EUM Manager see all EUM Groups and AAD users
      • Group Owners or Membership Managers see all groups they own or manage and all members of those groups
      • Users, whether Member or Guest, see EUM groups they belong to and themselves as a user
      • Everyone – all authenticated users see the report


  • Support for separate CMS/Live (Published) sites
  • Built in support for Authenticating users in the Portal Content Author group
  • Optional Approval workflow for Publishing of Content
  • Optional Scheduling of Publishing of Content
  • Publisher Developer Mode: Enables fill Publish for local development


  • Multilingual support
    • Ability to set enabled languages in dedicated Suite Languages list
    • Enabled languages display in Language Picker
    • Multilingual branding including header, footer, login, page content
    • Multilingual email templates managed through a dedicated library
      • Dynamic rendering of group/user information
      • Dynamic rendering of custom client fields
      • Multilingual Subject and Body