EUM Platform 6.0.8531.1

Version: 6.0.8531.1

EUM Admin

  • User and Group Import
    • A Dashboard in the EUM SharePoint Config site provides
      • Links to the import templates used in the User and Group import process
      • A list to display the import status for each import run
    • Empty import template files are deployed as part of the installation
      • The import templates can be populated with user and group information
      • The import process is initiated by clicking on a pre-configured link
      • The import process progress is displayed in the import template in real time
      • The status of each import run is displayed in a dedicated list, one for user and group import respectively
    • Global Administrators and Users Administrators can edit Member accounts through EUM Admin
    • Enhanced Search Experience in User Search
      • No default search results are presented
      • Search is initiated by the user
        • Can Search by
          • User Type (Guest, member)
          • First name, Last name, Email
    • Enhance Search Experience in Group Search
      • No default group search results are presented
      • Search is initiated by the user
        • Can Search by
          • Group type
          • Registration type (Invitation only, Private, Public)

EUM Portal

  • Updated styling for Gear menu with new icons
  • New Gear Menu for Portal
    • Links to EUM Admin, EUM Config, CMS Site
  • Updated Gear Menu for Portal Content Authors
  • Enhanced People Support Features
    • Default fields trimmed down to only commonly used properties
    • Description section with integrated Froala editor
    • Opt-in choices for Member directory, Display of Email to Members, Newsletter


  • Froala editor updated to latest version (4.0.17)
  • Fully Functional Media Picker to
    • Select and insert images and documents
    • Robust search feature
    • Easily retrieve recent items
    • Metadata panel is displayed in view mode
  • Media Upload Feature allows
    • Upload and insert of media through drag and drop or browse modes
    • Dialog for Metadata including
      • Library
      • Filename (pre-populated)
      • Path
      • Title
    • Upload triggers immediate publish
    • Inserts HTML based on Library type


  • New User-friendly Installer
    • Two-part installer with dedicated client facing module
    • Secure integration with CRM Customer Database for license provisioning
    • Easy Install