EUM Platform 7.0.1615.1

Version: 7.0.1615.1

EUM Admin

  • New faster and elegant interface based on Azure AI Search
  • Browser titles for different EUM Admin sections
  • .NET 8 upgrade
  • Enhanced user and group search experience
    • Harnesses AI Search for fast response times
    • Security trimmed results based on the signed-in user's role and access level
    • Open search for users and groups is triggered when the page is loaded
    • Search box returns results from any field
    • Ability to export search results to Excel
    • Search includes query string in URL
      • Can be shared or bookmarked
      • Retains search when hitting back in the browser from a detail page

User Search

  • Display of user status (active, disabled, pending approval, rejected)
  • Add user: new features
    • Ability to set profile image
    • Security trimmed groups displayed as options for groups drop down
    • Tracking of created date/time
    • Tracking of modified date/time
    • Last sign-in date/time
  • Edit user | user details: new features
    • Support for read-only user attributes, configured through user attribute list
    • User type
    • Has image
    • Created
    • Modified
    • Last sign-in date/time
    • Ability to edit profile image
  • Edit user | groups: new features
    • Properties displayed
    • Display name
    • Group type
    • Registration type
    • SharePoint site collection URL
  • Filters | views with security trimmed UI for
    • Group memberships
    • Group owners
    • Group management

Group Search

  • Add group | group details
    • Tracking of created date/time
    • Tracking of modified date/time
    • Power BI RLS [enabled/disabled]
  • Add group | join page
    • Support for whitelist/blacklist member automation
      • Choice of whitelist or blacklist for member automation
  • Add group | member page
    • Member page template trimmed to member page templates only
  • Edit group | users
    • Filters | views with security trimmed UI for
      • Group members
      • Group owners
      • Membership managers

Simplified Navigation

  • New admin page with links to
    • Configuration site
    • Portal site
    • Portal CMS site
    • Azure resources section with links to
      • Admin app service
      • Portal app service
      • EUM resource group
    • Entra ID configuration links
  • Email templates page
    • Links to available email templates
    • Setting to enable template

EUM Admin Webjob

  • Ability to configure a full run through logic app
  • Support for date/time fields (last sign-in, modified)
  • Writes pingback data to EUM Config (Power BI integration)
  • All Entra AD users included in the search index
  • All user and group updates in Entra ID are reflected in the search index
  • User deletion in Entra ID is removed from the search index
  • Group deletion in Entra ID
    • Updates the user in the group
    • Removed from the search index

Support for Multiple Portal Sites with Single EUM Admin

  • Each Portal site points to its own SharePoint configuration site collection
  • Dedicated publisher webjobs
  • Puts content in same search index
    • Tagging to enforce uniqueness of content
  • Dedicated web app for each Portal


  • Updated search includes setting of modified to UTC now
  • Support for About Me storage in SharePoint on the user attribute list
  • Support for retrieval of last sign-in date/time

EUM Portal

  • Enhanced login experience
    • Welcome email support for passing email to the login page
    • Remember me checked by default and saves your choice
  • Portal member page update
    • Removal of caching of groups
    • Addition of user to a group does not need to sign out and back in
  • Clarity integration via simple placeholder to config and enable
  • Rollups based on search
    • Different queries against search index
    • Public groups rollup from search for faster performance
  • Search control in page header
    • Redirects to search page, passing criteria using 'k' querystring parameter
    • Portal search page includes:
      • Search box
      • Display of results
      • Filters (All, Webpages, and PDF)
  • Search snippet builder
    • Advanced tool for prototyping search-based rollups
    • Includes multi-line input fields and choice of input handlebars template
    • Output views include:
      • Raw JSON
      • Table view
      • Rendered view
      • HTML snippet (can be pasted into page content or uploaded to snippet library)
    • Input fields are automatically populated from snippet library depending on the template chosen
    • User can update input templates provided as needed and refresh output until desired result is obtained
  • Froala editor configuration now has custom options
    • Content placeholder
      • Definitions for toolbar buttons
      • Reset to default settings

EUM Publisher

  • Support to populate search index with pages, documents, and images
  • Source site in search index
    • Writes site URL property to search index
  • Populate people directory with content from search
    • People pages generated from content in search
    • Pages and images created for all users in Entra ID
    • Page updates are published live
  • Support for page templates for group join and member pages
  • Multiple portal support for groups
    • Published group pages tagged for current site
    • Checks for page template changes in main site collection
    • Support for tagging in Suite Publisher Config site

Import/Export Tool

  • End-to-end process for bulk export/update/import of users and groups
  • Used to bulk import users and groups
  • Export feature generates a populated excel file from user and group search
  • Excel includes tab with usage instructions
  • Excel includes tab with exported content with user and group info
    • Highly configurable
      • Columns generated as per configuration of user / group attribute mapping lists
      • Support for required fields and they are highlighted to ensure visibility for users
      • Columns can be trimmed down according to user requirements for the import
      • Provides row-level error details to highlight issues with a particular user
      • SharePoint configuration list provides dashboard-like info about each run
        • Additional error details
        • Status information (importing, completed)
        • Number of successful imports/errors
      • Bulk upload of profile images enabled through dedicated library