EUM Platform 7.1.1700.1
Version: 7.1.1700.1
Release Date:
- Launch EUM Admin Power BI reports in Power BI Online or Embedded service depending on Configuration
- Search Query Builder Page
- New endpoint for the updating/creating of index records
- New endpoint for deleting index records
- Configuration of external data sources into search index
- Security Matrix Updates
- Support for OptInDirectory, AvailableforTagging, AvailableAnonymously
- Search Query endpoint for Admins ONLY
- Anonymous search for users, groups & content
- Returns users marked as available anonymously
- Returns public groups
- Authenticated search for users
- Returns users available for tagging
- Opt in directory users
- Page look-ups updated to be search based
- Search/User endpoint updated with optional parameter to return Public Users
- Default value is false
- Dependency on RollupJSON removed
- Publisher Directory removed
- Ability to target groups for individual Portal sites
- Simplified configuration for Publisher
- Removal of Publisher libraries
- Removal of additional columns in Publisher Search list
- Check for updates to user profile or photo when publishing users
- Include site columns defined in libraries as part of search contents
EUM Power BI Data Harvester
- Inventory Updates
- Sign-in with interactive or certificate
- Ability to specify scope of documents inventory
- Ability to specify what to report on
NEW! SPFx Webpart
- Member Directory SPFx webpart with paging, images (READ only mode)