Extranet User Manager 2.5.4694.2
Version: 2.5.4694.2
Release Date:
Release Details
Additional Files included:
- EULA pdf
- User Guide pdf
- UninstallEum.cmd
Install enhancements
- Values are persisted into the registry - HKLM Software EnvisionIT EUM installation
- minor spelling changes
- ADFBA uses the short domain name, and not Extranet, only one domain if Extranet and internal are the same
Uninstall enhancements
- Backup the web.configs before uninstall
- Remove all nodes added to SharePoint web.config
- Remove all nodes added to Central Admin web.config
- ConnectionsStrings AppSettings and Profile provider nodes will not be left empty
- Custom nodes such as DomainProviders EmailProviders DefaultProvider will be fully removed on uninstall
- After uninstall Central Admin will be usable
- Authentication Changes in Web Application should all be put back as found (WA, NTLM, basic, default sign in Etc.)
- Landing and LandingAdmin Web Applications are removed
- The HydraProvider site admin for the installation user is removed from the siteusers collection (or allusers if it can't find it in siteusers)
Repair enhancements
- Pre repair web.config backups
- LDAP and IIS settings
Product Enhancements
- Landing admin nav will show in IE10