Extranet User Manager 3.2.6192.1
Version: 3.2.6192.1
Release Date:
Release Details
New Features
- Office 365 and Azure B2B
- Upgraded to the latest Azure AD Active Directory API to continue support for Office 365.
- Updated AzureB2B Console Application to utilize the Microsoft.Graph API.
- Support in LandingAdmin for Microsoft.Graph authentication.
- Support for use of apostrophe in email address.
- Added rules for password complexity and displays these rules on password reset pages.
- Exporting of Roles uses a stored procedure that allows for custom fields to be returned as part of the Excel.
- Upgraded Database version to 3.2C
- Extra Auditing of changes to Users and Roles.
- RoleExtra table added to support additional customizations of Role properties.
- GetRolesData stored procedure added.