Extranet User Manager 4.1.6873.3

Version: 4.1.6873.3

​​​​​​​Release Details​​​​​

New Features

  • Support for SAML 2.0
  • Landing - .Net Core 2.1 application 
  • ​End user page URIs have changed 
    • ​/landing/forgot-password 
    • /landing/register 
    • /landing/change-password 
    • /landing/set-password 
    • /landing/my-profile 
    • /landing/index   - default page that is anonymous 
    • /landing/update-password ​

  • Bug Fixes
    • Re-activating accounts generates new Subject Ids for user 
    • Azure B2B Groups not being properly assigned to users​

Known Issues with Release

  • Available for Registration Approver Email is not working
  • ADFS is not supported as an External Provider​ with this SAML 2.0 Release​​​
  • Unable to update Federation Clients settings past the initial creation of the client​


  • EUM_V4_DB_Upgrade.sql – added 4.0C to 4.1 update step to be compatible with latest IdentityServer EntityFramework schema 
  • EUM DB Script now starts at EUM 4.1 for new installs ​​​