Unstructured vs. Structured Extranets in Office 365

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Microsoft User Group Utah with CollabTalk banner

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

12 - 1 PM EDT

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The Microsoft User Group Utah is proud to bring you Microsoft MVP, Peter Carson!

When building an extranet in Office 365, you need to ensure your extranet strategy aligns with your business. In this webinar, Peter will discuss two types of extranets: Unstructured and Structured.

Unstructured extranets are when you collaboratively work with external parties in your organization in a smaller, impromptu way. This can be in the form of secure link sharing, and newly announced at SharePoint Conference 2019 can be to request files from others.

Structured extranets are for larger groups of collaborators with a wide array of roles and permissions. This sort of extranet requires a formal governance and permission plan to ensure users only have access to information they require. Azure AD B2B provides the fundamental basis for larger user group access, but there are inherent limitations that do not support delegation to the business. Peter will discuss the out-of-the-box extranet capabilities and gaps with using SharePoint and Azure AD B2B, covering:

  • Unstructured extranets and the OOTB functionalities of Office 365
  • Recent announcements about external sharing
  • Structured extranets and Azure AD B2B
  • Extranet User Manager's value-add to Azure B2B
  • Newly built Groups and Users SPFx Web Part
  • EUM Flow Connector

Hosted by RD & MVP Christian Buckley, founder of CollabTalk.

Peter Carson headshot 

About Peter Carson

Peter Carson, President of Extranet User Manager and a Microsoft MVP, is a recognized expert in Office 365, SharePoint, and Extranet strategies. Read Peter's full bio and check out some of EUM's recent articles and blogs for all things Microsoft and extranet related.

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