European SharePoint Conference 2014

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​​Envision IT is excited to announce that we will be participating in the European SharePoint Conference being held this year from May 5-8 in Barcelona, Spain. This is the third edition of the European SharePoint Conference and it is the largest European event covering Microsoft SharePoint, Microsoft Office 365, and all the related cloud-based and enterprise social technologies. The conference offers a rich set of new and exciting topics, targeting IT Professionals, Developers, Business Decision Makers, and end users. Participants will have the opportunity to be part of 6 pre-conference tutorials and more than 100 breakout sessions.

Envision IT's President, Peter Carson, will be delivering 2 presentations:

Cloud Business Apps

SharePoint 2013 introduced the concept of Apps, but it is really Office 365 that is driving this phenomenon. With good reason Microsoft doesn’t want our full trust code solutions running on  their shared services, and Apps are the answer to that. However building Apps for your enterprise is different than creating simple Apps for sale in the Office Store. Whether you’re ready to move to the cloud, or you want to make sure you leave the door open, this session is for you.

We’ll start with an overview of the different types of Apps, and what you can do with them. We’ll discuss why SharePoint hosted and Auto Hosted Apps take a back seat to Provider Hosted for most enterprise apps, and what that means. Authentication is the biggest challenge for new App developers, and we’ll go over options such as Windows Azure AD, OAuth, or JWT.

Don’t worry if you’re not a developer and don’t know all the acronyms. We’ll also make the session real and go over some actual enterprise Apps we’ve been building for our clients. One is a courtroom management system supporting external users, document and records management, payment gateway, collaboration, and legacy systems. A second we’ll cover is an employee self-service portal for a global medical products and services company.

Office 365 Rest APIs​

Microsoft SharePoint delivers a secure platform that allows a tailored approach towards achieving business goals with an Extranet. In this session, we will cover off the following topics:

  • Extranet scenarios on premise and in the cloud with both Office 365 and Windows Azure
  • Licensing implications
  • For on-premises​ installations, Microsoft is eliminating the For Internet Sites license requirement, bringing the licensing costs down significantly
  • Likewise in the cloud, Microsoft now provides up to 10,000 external user accounts for Extranets in Office 365, with no additional subscription fees
  • User management and authentication
  • Case studies

Some of the examples we will be showcasing are:

  • As an Internet web site members-only area developed for non-profit organizations (
  • As a series of health care portals ( and
  • As a platform for retail web sites to enable tenants to post promotions and job offerings (
  • As a Volunteer Information Portal for charitable events (Heart and Stroke Foundation)

Click for more information


​Look for Envision IT at Booth #61 on the Exhibition floor where our Executives look forward to sharing our strategies for delivering winning SharePoint products and solutions.

 Visit to learn more and to register for SharePoint Conference 2014.

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