Microsoft Canada TechDays 2010

Register for Microsoft Canada TechDays 2010
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October 27 - 28, 2010

Toronto, Canada​

​Peter Carson, President of Envision IT, will be co-presenting the session: Upgrading Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 to SharePoint Server 2010. Like TechEd, TechDays brings you an intensive learning experience where the depth of the technology training is matched only by the breadth of the topics covered—while sparing you the additional expenses or environmental concerns of air travel.

Learn the Technology

TechDays is the learning conference on current technologies like Windows 7, Office 2010, SharePoint 2010, Windows Azure, SQL Server 2008 R2, and much more. Come and find out everything you need to know in two days with more than 50 dedicated sessions, because there's always more to learn!

Connect with Experts and Peers​

TechDays brings the rich learning experience of TechEd to you without the travel. With lots of sessions, including a new community-oriented track, and a new Collaboration Lounge, you’ll have the opportunity to network and connect with peers and Microsoft experts alike.

Apply What You've L​​earned

You will be able to apply what you’ve learned with post-event resources, access to additional information and special offers, as well as session recordings and slide decks, so you can continue to grow your skills long after the event has finished!

Click here for more information on TechDays.​

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