Microsoft Canada TechDays 2011

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Envision IT's Peter Carson will be presenting two sessions at Microsoft Canada's TechDays 2011.  The sessions are listed below.  Register today using the special speaker promo Code: TDSPKR11CAN and you can get your ticket for only $399.99*. That’s nearly 50% off the regular price of $799.99.

Upgrading and Migrating​​ to SharePoint 2010, On-Premises and in the Cloud

This session describes the process to move from SharePoint 2007 to SharePoint 2010.  We will demonstrate the pre-planning process (pre-upgrade checker, content inventory), tools and techniques (in-place or database attach upgrades, and third-party tools), and post-upgrade tasks (master page redesign, customizations).  We will also cover the testing, communication planning, training, and governance needed for a successful upgrade.  Comparisons between an upgrade (where the existing information architecture and site organization is solid) and migration (where extensive re-architecture is needed) will be done using real-world Canadian examples.  Target platforms will be both on-premises and Office 365, detailing the technical requirements, benefits, and restrictions of each.  Live upgrades to both platforms will be part of the session.

SharePoint 2010 Extranets​ and Authentication

Extranets allow you to communicate and collaborate not just within your organization, but with external users such as partners, vendors, or customers.  In this session we’ll show you the various ways SharePoint can be configured to authenticate these users.  Leveraging SharePoint 2010’s support for SAML claims based identity, you’ll see a live demonstration of how to configure SharePoint to support Windows Authentication, Forms-Based Authentication against SQL ASPNETDB databases and LDAP, federated trusts using ADFS 2.0, and external authentication using Windows Live ID.  We’ll also show you how these can be combined together in a single zone to provide multiple authentication methods on a single URL.​





​CLB376 - Upgrading and Migrating to SharePoint 2010, On-Premise and in the Cloud ​Oct 25
1:00-2:15 PM
​Nov 15
1:00-2:15 PM
​Nov 29-30
​CLB379 - SharePoint 2010 Extranets and Authentication
Oct 25
4:15-5:30 PM​
​Nov 15
4:15-5:30 PM​
​Nov 29-30

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