Microsoft Inspire 2017

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Washington, D.C.

Microsoft Inspire Website

Microsoft Inspire 2017

Don't miss Extranet User Manager's take-over of IAMCP's booth at the Microsoft Inspire! Choose any one of the three sessions and drop by the booth to say hello.

  • Monday 2:45 - 3:45 pm
  • Tuesday 2:45 - 3:45 pm
  • Wednesday 2:45 - 3:45 pm

Learn how to integrate Extranet User Manager (EUM) into your services offering, make margins on license sales, and open significant services opportunities for your organization. Whether you are delivering collaboration portals in SharePoint Online / Office 365, fully customized publishing portals in Azure, or on premises SharePoint, there is often the need to connect with external users. Below are the topics we'll cover. We'll provide a copy of the presentation to all registered attendees.

  • Intros
  • Customer case studies
  • Why would you use Extranet User Manager in your client engagements
  • How does it work with Office 365, SharePoint on-premises, and custom or SaaS applications
  • Licensing
  • Partner opportunity
  • Program levels

EUM provides external sharing and enhanced Azure B2B support that scales from mid-market to enterprise.

You can find us in the IAMCP Booth Theatre, just inside Entrance B of The Commons.

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