Microsoft Inspire 2018

Las Vegas, Nevada
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Microsoft Inspire 2018 in Las Vegas

This is the partner event of the year, and the​ Extranet User Manager team is so excited to be attending! This year Microsoft Inspire is combining with Microsoft Ready, Microsoft's annual sales, marketing, and technical conference. Make even more meaningful connections with the Microsoft community. There is also The Commons, the heart of the conference where you will find exhibitors and thousands of people to network with. This is one of the best events of the year to network at, between other partners, Microsoft technical experts, Microsoft sales teams, and so many others.​ To learn more, visit the The Commons website​.

On top of all of this there will be various sessions you can attend as well. This year the sessions will focus on technology: Data and AI, Modern Workplace, Business Apps, Cloud Applications, and more. There will also be sessions on Business Leadership, Industry, and Partnering with Microsoft. To explore them, view the session catalog. And lastly, there will be Corenotes, where you can hear about the vision for Microsoft​ from their top executives.

To round out all of the fun of the conference, there will be a celebration on Wednesday night at the Las Vegas Motor speedway for a night of fun, food, and entertainment headlined by an eleven-time Grammy Award winner. Having a chance to learn and celebrate is what makes this conference so much fun!

If you build out Office 365 or SharePoint based extranets and would like to leverage a robust solution to simplify this process, be sure to contact the EUM team.​ Both Peter Carson and Logan Guest will be attending. They are scheduling meetings no​​​w and the week is filling up quickly!

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