Microsoft SharePoint Conference 2011

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Envision IT is excited to announce that we will be exhibiting at the Microsoft SharePoint Conference in Anaheim, California, from October 3-6. Our President, Peter Carson will also be delivering a presentation on Extranets. Session details will be updated on the conference site. 

Microsoft SharePoint Conference 2011 is the most comprehensive event in the world dedicated to SharePoint and related technologies. With over 240 sessions, SPC11 will provide you with the training, insight, and networking you need to develop, deploy, govern and get the most from SharePoint. You’ll also hear from Microsoft Engineers, Product Managers, MCMs and MVPs who will discuss topics such as cloud services, best practices and real world project insights.

Where better to celebrate SharePoint’s 10th birthday than the Happiest Place on Earth? SPC11 is thrilled to announce that the SharePoint Conference Attendee Party will be a private party at Disneyland Park.

You can find Envision IT at Booth 750 in the Exhibit Hall where we will be showcasing our SharePoint products. Our flagship product, the Extranet User Manager, has helped organizations worldwide extend SharePoint beyond their walls to customers, partners, and vendors. Our image management add-ons include the Silverlight Image Manager for digital asset management, Photo Viewer, an easy to implement web part that adds a rich Silverlight photo gallery to your sites, and Image Rotator, a web part that adds image and video rotation to your pages, with easy management by your content authors. Our Custom 404 feature allows you to easily redirect old or incorrect URLs on your SharePoint site to a variety of target pages.

For more details and to register for the conference, go to

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