Microsoft SharePoint Summit 2009

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President Peter Carson will Present Two Tracks at Upcoming SharePoint Summit

Envision IT is pleased to announce that President Peter Carson will present two tracks at the SharePoint Summit to be held from April 6-8, 2009 in Montreal.

Now in its third year, the SharePoint Summit brings executives, technology managers and analysts together. The result for all is a better understanding of SharePoint’s potential, capabilities and limitations. In addition, information architects, business analysts and end-users will find a range of training to prepare for an efficient launch of a SharePoint project. In short, real world users and experts come together to share real world problems and solutions, across a multitude of industries and applications.

Peter Carson will present a Business Solutions Track on how to securely extend access to MOSS. Participants will learn about different options for managing users through an Extranet, making the most of out-of-the box SharePoint as well as various add-ons.  In his second presentation in the Information Architecture and Best Practices Track, attendees will learn more about Web Content Management and how they can extend SharePoint with other Microsoft technologies. 

Peter Carson speaks at SharePoint Summit 

Peter Carson speaks at SharePoint Summit 

About Envision IT

For over 20 years, Envision IT has helped our clients fully realize the potential they can gain by bringing their processes to life on the Internet. Envision IT specializes in developing customized web-based information technology solutions leveraging Microsoft technology. Known as the “go-to” partner for Microsoft SharePoint solutions, Envision IT builds integrated public web​sites, Intranets, Extranets, and web applications that leverage our clients' existing systems anywhere over the Internet.

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