SecTor IT Security Conference 2021 - Secure and Scalable Development with Microsoft 365 and Azure AD

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Peter Carson, President of Extranet User Manager, is excited to be a chosen speaker for the Tech Track at the upcoming SecTor IT Security Conference. The conference will be a hybrid event, which will allow attendees to choose whether they wish to attend sessions in person or virtually. SecTor will feature keynotes from the IT industry's most respected and trusted experts and speakers who are true security professionals with a depth of understanding on topics that matter.

In this talk, Peter will focus on leveraging Azure AD in Platform as a Service projects. Items he'll cover are:

  • Logic Apps as a no-code Web API platform for implementing your privileged code in a zero-trust architecture
    • Azure AD provides secure authentication between low-trust client-side code and Logic Apps, and Logic Apps should use delegated or service principal identities for privileged actions
  • Service principal methodology in Azure Automation, a serverless place to run your PowerShell code
  • C# .NET Core enterprise architecture that combines delegated and application access to Microsoft 365 through an App Service model, including auto-scale of the App Service that also addresses Microsoft 365 throttling constraints

If you're eager to learn more about the topic, you're welcome to review the two-part webinar series we ran earlier this year:

Secure Development with Microsoft 365 and Azure AD (Part 1 of 2)

Secure Development with Microsoft 365 and Azure AD (Part 1 of 2)

Apr 20, 2021 | 12 – 1 PM EDT

Ensuring your development practices are secure is extremely important. At Extranet User Manager and Envision IT, we ensure high standards for Microsoft 365 and Azure AD are at the core of our practice.

Microsoft 365 SDLC Best Practices (Part 2 of 2)

Microsoft 365 SDLC Best Practices (Part 2 of 2)

May 4, 2021 | 12 – 1 PM EDT

In this webinar we wanted to further provide best practices when it comes to managing your software development life cycle (SDLC) with Microsoft 365.

If you're planning to attend this conference, be sure to attend Peter's session and connect with the Extranet User Manager team at the event.

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