Seminar: Developing Extranets with the Envision IT Extranet Module

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Microsoft Office SharePoint Server allows organizations to create unique portal sites that connect their people to business critical information, expertise, and applications. Now, more than ever, organizations are realizing the significant benefits that information-sharing across boundaries can bring. In this seminar we will show you how progressive organizations like Cadillac Fairview and Canadian Tire Corporation have utilized SharePoint to securely share information with customers, partners and suppliers.

Cadillac Fairview has over 50 production websites operating on different web content management (WCM) platforms, hosted by various 3rd party organizations.  In order to simplify the external website environment and substantially reduce operating costs, Cadillac Fairview engaged Envision IT to deploy Microsoft Office SharePoint Server  (MOSS) 2007 as the new standard WCM platform for their 26 retail websites (such as,, and Using Envision IT’s Extranet Module, the solution was also extended to include the thousands of retailers across Canada who are tenants in the properties.  They can now request accounts and submit store promotions and job postings for the sites, all while leveraging SharePoint’s built-in approvals processes.

Canadian Tire was looking to eliminate the printing and distribution of millions of pieces of paper annually to their 475 stores coast to coast.  By leveraging SharePoint and Envision IT, they are on track to eliminate the three weekly mail bag drops to their stores, and deliver all communications electronically through the Open House Portal.  Not only does this provide a highly productive portal for store staff to review and take action on all communications, but it also provides a rich publishing portal for corporate staff to do the creation, copy editing, translation, and approval of all communications.

Envision IT and Microsoft will demonstrate how the Envision IT Extranet Module simplifies user management and enhances the user experience in a Corporate Extranet.

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