SharePoint Conference North America 2018 in Las Vegas

Register for SharePoint Conference North America 2018 in Las Vegas
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SharePoint Conference North America

May 21 - 23, 2018

Las Vegas, Nevada

Extranet User Manager is excited to be sponsoring SharePoint Conference North America in 2018! We'll have a booth set up while we are there. Stop by to learn more about our extranet product.

In May of 2018 we will travel to Las Vegas to connect, collaborate, and create at this conference! Attend this conference and collaborate with like-minded community members as you connect with industry gurus, thought leaders, up and coming superstars, recognized experts, and top tier solution providers to create insightful, cutting edge strategies and practical solutions to your complicated business challenges.

There will be a variety of sessions, speakers, and workshops along multiple tracks. Visit the =SharePoint Conference NA website to stay up to date as new sessions and workshops get added and announced. We're excited to be attending and sponsoring and hope to see you there! Register for the conference now.

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