SharePoint Fest 2013 in Chicago

Donald E. Stephens Convention Center
Register for SharePoint Fest 2013 in Chicago
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Envision IT is very happy to announce that Peter Carson will be speaking this October at SharePoint Fest in Chicago. Peter will be delivering a full day workshop on web content management in SharePoint 2013.  He will be starting with an overview on WCM in SharePoint 2013, and then going through the full life cycle from design, build, lifecycle management, and analytics.  Peter will also be delivering regular sessions on search and WCM.

At the conference, attendees can enjoy technical classes and seminars all taught by Microsoft Certified Trainers, Microsoft engineers and Microsoft MVPs. Some of the topics covered will be:

  • Enterprise Content Management
  • Infrastructure and Administration
  • Composites (Workflow)
  • Search, Business Intelligence, and Development

You can choose from any of the topics, tailoring them to you and your company's needs. The numerous sessions are designed for SharePoint administrators, software developers, information architects, and knowledge workers.

Don't miss Peter Carson speaking at this SharePoint event! The informative sessions will help your organization leverage SharePoint and all it has to offer. He will be delivering 3 sessions over the course of the conference:

  • October 7 8:30 am - 4:30 pm in WS 105 - A full-day workshop the day before the conference on Building a Public Website and Extranet on SharePoint 2013
  • October 8 1:30 - pm - 2:40 pm in SRC 103 - Search in SharePoint 2013
  • October 9 3:30 pm - 4:40 pm in ECM 204 - Web Content Management in SharePoint 2013

Don't forget to register for the pre-conference workshop offered by Peter Carson. Registration is separate from the conference itself.

Full Day Workshop - Building a Public Website and Extranet on SharePoint 2013

Monday, Oct. 7th 8:30 am - 4:30 pm

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You won't want to miss this workshop! Peter Carson will go in-depth into the full life cycle of creating a website on SharePoint 2013. While focused on public websites and Extranets, the same techniques apply to Intranets as well. The day will be broken into the following sections:

  • Overview of Web Content Management in SharePoint 2013
  • Design of the Site
  • Site Build
  • Infrastructure Build
  • Application Lifecycle Management for SharePoint with Team Foundation Server
  • Analytics

The focus for the day will be the reference site. This is a full project built from the ground up to fully leverage SharePoint 2013, and act as a reference for the techniques used. The full set of project artifacts are being made available under a Creative Commons license so that at the conclusion of the workshop you will have all of the tools needed to build and experience your own version of the site. Content available in the package includes:

  • All design files (MindMap, Axure Wireframes, Word specification, Adobe and HTML mockups)
  • Visual Studio 2012 solutions
  • PowerShell deployment scripts

This package can be easily deployed to a Cloudshare SharePoint 2013 test environment, or an on-premises farm.

Search in SharePoint 2013

Tuesday, Oct. 8th 1:30 - pm - 2:40 pm

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Microsoft continues to make massive investments in Search in SharePoint. Following the FAST acquisition in 2008, portions of the FAST search technology made its way into SharePoint Search, but FAST remained a separate product. For SharePoint 2013, there is only SharePoint Search, combining the power of FAST and the new 2013 features.

We will compare and contrast Search in SharePoint 2013 with both SharePoint 2010 and FAST Search for SharePoint. Key topics are:

  • Architecture and scalability
  • 2013 Search user experience
  • Live Office Preview using with integration of Office Web Applications
  • Customization of the search presentation, using HTML display templates rather than XSLT
  • Concept of Search Verticals
  • Managed Metadata driven refinement
  • The new Content Search web part - killer replacement for the Content Query web part
  • Topic pages - leveraging managed Metadata Navigation, Content By Search web part and Improved Keyword Query Language
  • Cross-site publishing to share content between sites or even farms
  • SEO enhancements - end user and search engine friendly URLs, on page SEO properties, auto-generated XML site map
  • Usage Analytics - feeding right back into Search, usage based ranking, number of views information in search results
  • Top Viewed Pages - pre-configured Content Search web part

Web Content Management in SharePoint 2013

Wednesday, Oct. 9th 3:30 pm - 4:40 pm

This session will explore what's new for SharePoint 2013 as it applies to Web Content Management. Peter Carson will also share the details and experiences of several SharePoint 2013 public website case studies.

The topics we will cover are:

  • Design Manager - Build and manage your branding with any web design tool
  • Channels - Tailor your content to the device or browser
  • Managed Navigation
  • Customizing search with HTML display templates
  • The new Content Search Web Part
  • Image Renditions - Manage your web-friendly images through the browser
  • Video Renditions – Support multiple video formats and thumbnails in the new Video document set
  • Cross-Site Publishing - Share your content between Intranet and public websites
  • SEO and Analytics Enhancements
  • Improved content author user experience

The case studies we will go over are all running on SharePoint 2013 as either live sites or POCs.


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