SharePoint Fest 2016 in Chicago

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​​​​​SharePoint Fest

SharePoint Fest Sponsor

December 6 - 9, 2016

Chicago, IL

At SharePoint Fest you'll be able to attend technical classes and workshops – taught by Microsoft Certified Trainers, Microsoft engineers, and Microsoft MVPs – covering Enterprise Content Management, Power Users, Social SharePoint, Business Value, Implementation/Administration, Office 365, Workflow, Business Intelligence, Special Topics, and SharePoint Development. There are sessions created for SharePoint administrators, software developers, information architects and knowledge workers which will ensure that you and your team walk away with as much knowledge as you desire to truly leverage SharePoint.

Peter Carson from Envision IT will be delivering two sessions. His first session is Running Effective Projects in Office 365 and the second is ​Electronic Forms and Alternative SharePoint App Approaches.

Keep an eye out for our Extranet User Manager booth at the conference. Envision IT's Extranet User Manager product (EUM) turns your Extranet into a seamless portal that quickly and securely allows users inside and outside your network to collaborate and share information. With delegation, anyone can be given rights to manage the set of external users and the groups they belong to, as well as self-registration and approval workflows. In the cloud we now support Azure B2B and Office 365, and on-premises we act as an identity provider with password management, lost password reset, and single sign-on with multi-factor authentication.​

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