SharePoint/Office365 Saturday Montreal 2019

Collège Maisonneuve - Montréal, Québec, Canada
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Extranet User Manger is speaking at SharePoint/Office 365 Saturday Montréal on Saturday, May 11th, 2019.

SharePoint/Office 365 Saturday is a free event that focuses on the community of Office 365/SharePoint users and is dedicated to educating and engaging members of the local technical community. It draws upon the expertise of IT professionals, developers, and solutions architects who come together to share their real world experiences, lessons learned, best practices, and general knowledge with other like‐minded individuals.

SharePoint/Office 365 Saturday Montréal is free to anyone who wants to attend. The event will be hosted at Collège Maisonneuve on May 11th. The speakers will be from all over the community and will offer a variety of perspectives on the topics covered. Extranet User Manager's President Peter Carson will be running a session on developing custom connectors for the Microsoft Power Platform. Once the agenda is published, we will update the below session description with start/end times as well as location within Collège Maisonneuve.

Developing Custom Connectors for the Microsoft Power Platform

Learn about custom connectors and how you can take advantage of the connector platform to extend your data sources for Microsoft Flow, PowerApps, and Power BI. In this session, we will share Microsoft's roadmap and vision for the connector platform, and show real examples. We will review how we built our custom connectors for our Extranet User Manager product, so that you can either repeat that process for your own systems, or leverage our connectors with our product. Examples will include using Flow and Power BI to automate the creation of EUM groups and assigning of permissions to newly created SharePoint sites, triggering of Flow workflows as part of the EUM user registration process using webhooks, and analyzing EUM login activity and audit history through our Power BI connector.

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