SharePoint Saturday NYC 2018

Microsoft, 11 Times Square, New York
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SharePoint administrators, end users, architects, developers, and other professionals that work with Microsoft SharePoint Technologies will meet for the 10th SharePoint Saturday event in New York on July 28, 2018. This event will not only cover SharePoint but all Microsoft web technologies such as Office 365, Teams, OneDrive, Azure, Power Apps, Flow, Yammer and much more.

Peter Carson will be speaking on "Office 365 One to Many, Sharing through Azure" and Extranet User Manager is also excited to be sponsoring the event! We hope to see you there. There are some great talks scheduled.

Session - Office 365 One to Many, Sharing through Azure

Level: 300

Track: Business / Management, Developer, IT Pro

View Presentation

Sometimes you need to publish content to a broad external user audience. They don't need to collaborate, they just need to be able to easily consume that content. This could be your public website, or a private site you want to share securely with a particular audience. In this session, we'll take you through both public and private scenarios where you want to share your Office 365 content externally. While out of the box in Office 365 you can anonymously share individual documents, there is no way to share a whole site anonymously. We'll show you how we leverage Azure websites to do this very cost effectively.

Our main scenario is one of our clients, OntarioMD ( Their new public website is authored in Office 365, and then the approval and publishing process pushes that to Microsoft Azure. Hosted in Azure's massively scalable infrastructure for a very reasonable cost, this provides a secure, highly available website. We then extend that and allow registered users to access additional private information through the same site, and supporting apps. In another example, Wilfrid Laurier University ( uses the same approach to publish supporting material for faculty publications, and other reasons, from Office 365 to their public website.

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