SharePoint Saturday Ottawa November 2014

Algonquin College
Register for SharePoint Saturday Ottawa November 2014
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SharePoint Saturday

Envision It and CollabCon are both sponsors at SharePoint Saturday Ottawa, November 22, 2014! President of Envision IT and founder of CollabCon, Peter Carson, is confirmed as a speaker at the upcoming SharePoint Saturday Ottawa event on November 22nd. 

SharePoint Saturday is a free community‐focused SharePoint event dedicated to educating and engaging members of the local technical community. SharePoint Saturday draws upon the expertise of local SharePoint IT professionals, developers and solutions architects who come together to share their real world experiences, lessons learned, best practices, and general knowledge with other like‐minded individuals.

SharePoint Saturday Ottawa is free to anyone who wants to attend. The event will run from 7:30 AM‐5.30PM at Algonquin College in downtown Ottawa.  Breakfast and lunch will be provided and there will be numerous giveaways throughout the day. Each speaker will present on topics from introductory (100-level) content to highly-technical (300 and 400-level) "expert" sessions.  Speakers will represent a broad cross section of the community and offer a variety of different perspectives and points of view.

Session Overview: Extranets in SharePoint and Office 365 - IT Pro

SharePoint is a powerful tool for collaboration. This works well for users in your organization, but how do you extend it beyond the firewall? Approving and managing users, getting them their credentials, and dealing with forgotten passwords are some of the things that will frustrate both the business and IT. External sharing in Office 365 works well for light Extranets, but what if you want stronger governance and branding control. Learn about the different options, including how to delegate this to the business, and provide a seamless single sign on experience for your external users, either on premise or in the cloud.

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