SharePoint Saturday Toronto July 2014

Microsoft Canada Headquarters
Register for SharePoint Saturday Toronto July 2014
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Envision IT is excited to announce that we are sponsoring SharePoint Saturday and a number of our team members will be presenting at it on Saturday, July 12th, 2014 in Toronto.

SharePoint Saturday is a free event that focuses on the community of SharePoint users and is dedicated to educating and engaging members of the local technical community. It draws upon the expertise of local SharePoint IT professionals developers, and solutions architects who come together to share their real world experiences, lessons learned, best practices, and general knowledge with other like‐minded individuals.

SharePoint Saturday Toronto is free to anyone who wants to attend. The event will run from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM at Microsoft Canada Headquarters in Mississauga. There are speakers who will present on topics from introductory (100-level) content to highly-technical (300 and 400-level) sessions. The speakers will be from all over the community and will offer a variety of perspectives on the topics covered.

Full event and session details are available at The Envision IT sessions are:

Haniel Croitoru

Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act - What is it, how well SharePoint addresses it, and other considerations

9:00 - 10:15 AM Business MPR 1

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Accessibility is on the minds of most public sector and many private sector organizations in Ontario, Canada that are creating new or significantly upgrading their existing websites. The government is mandating conformance to strict guidelines defined by WCAG 2.0. Does SharePoint have what it takes to do the job?

In this presentation I provide you with an overview of the Accessibility to Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) and its relationship to WCAG 2.0, and outline the key areas that need to be considered when building AODA-compliant sites. Finally, I will present results of short experiments I did on SharePoint 2010 and 2013 as it relates to accessibility.

Peter Carson (MVP)

How to Balance Security and Usability for Single Sign-On in Your Extranet

10:30 - 11:45 AM Case Study Boardroom 35

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With governance over email and external file sharing services becoming increasingly important, it is crucial that organizations have a secure portal to communicate and collaborate with external users. Microsoft SharePoint delivers a platform that allows a tailored approach towards a robust and manageable Extranet. In this session, Envision IT will demonstrate a variety of accessibility and authentication scenarios that ensure a rich extranet user experience is maintained for all staff and external users, regardless of the security issues.

During this session we will cover the following topics:

  • Authentication options for on-premises and Office 365
  • Provisioning user accounts
  • External sharing in Office 365
  • Exposing on-premises SharePoint to external users
  • Federation and single sign on for SharePoint and other applications

Kanwal Khipple (MVP)

The Value of Tribal Knowledge and Strategies to Increase Adoption


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Organizations are investing in enterprise social networks at an alarming rate. To gain the benefits of improving employee engagement, collaboration, and knowledge sharing requires you to look beyond technology deployment. Attend this session to learn how social tools can play a critical role, what strategies that can help drive organizational change. This session will help IT architecture and infrastructure personnel understand #esn adoption issues, the role of change management, and alignment of social tools with strategic business initiatives. As part of this session, we'll also look at a customer case study on how Yammer is continuing to transform a global organization.


  • Social Maturity – present how social enterprise networks have changed over the course of the past decade (atlassian, give, newsgator, sp2010, yammer)
  • Creating a Collaborative / Social Environment – what are some of the top ways organizations are changing the traditional collaboration model and the risks involved. 
  • Enable business value – scenarios and opportunities to create business value
  • Change Mgmt models – what training, governance and adoption strategies work and where your organization fits.

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