Sparkrock Fuel Good 2018 in Toronto

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Sparkrock Fuel Good 2018

Feb 7 - 9, 2018 in Toronto, Ontario

Peter Carson, our President, is excited to be attending and speaking at the Sparkrock Fuel Good conference in February. He is delivering a breakout session on running effective projects in Office 365. We hope to see you there!

Fuel Good's purpose is to provide the inspiration, education, and connections you need to transform the operations of your Nonprofit. It's not just about technology, it's about new approaches, new processes, and being able to serve more people with less effort, stress, and expense.

This February, Sparkrock will host Nonprofit, Human Services, and Education organizations from all corners of North America in Toronto. Through inspiring keynotes, innovative talks, educational breakouts, hands-on sessions, and tons of networking, attendees will learn how the Fuel Good experience is truly remarkable.

Peter Carson's Breakout Session on February 8 from 9:30 - 10:30 AM

Running Effective Projects in Office 365: The Associated Engineering Story

Many organizations create project site templates to manage their projects in SharePoint, either online or on premises. However, SharePoint is only part of the equation when it comes to collaborating effectively on projects. The new consolidation of Office 365 Groups, SharePoint Team Sites, Planner, and Yammer brings both choice and flexibility, which can present their own challenges.

After attending this session you will be able to:

  • Leverage Office 365 Groups, Team Sites, Planner, and Teams all together
  • Provide effective governance around creating and using project sites
  • Include people from outside your organization in your collaborative project sites

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