Conversation on Teams and Office 365 External Users with Benjamin Niaulin

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EUM's President Peter Carson & Sharegate's Head of Product Benjamin Niaulin have a conversation on Teams and Office 365 External Users. Teams and Office 365 external sharing is all about publishing or collaborating with people outside of your organization. Users will find ways to do it with or without IT support (typically through email or shadow IT), so it's important for IT to provide an easy way for them to do it effectively and securely.

In this session, we'll discuss different ways of sharing, from unstructured sharing to a small set of external users using the OOTB SharePoint features and Microsoft Teams guest access, to a large-scale structured sharing using additional solutions such as Azure AD B2B, custom code, or third-party solutions. We'll cover the options that are available and what makes sense for your organization using real-world examples.

We'll go through a number of different scenarios:

  • External sharing in Microsoft Teams, OneDrive and SharePoint Online
  • Azure AD B2B (Business to Business)
  • Custom and third-party options leveraging the Graph API
  • Microsoft's new Entitlement Management portal's Access Packages for external users

We'll also touch on how to leverage Microsoft's security stack to improve the security of your Office 365 Extranet, including Azure Advanced Threat Protection, Azure Rights Management, Azure Multi-Factor Authentication and more.

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