Peter Carson Speaking at TSPUG

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SharePoint and TSPUG logos overlaid on Toronto skyline

May 15, 2019

Toronto, Canada

Developing Custom Connectors for the Microsoft Power Platform

Learn about Microsoft Power Platform custom connectors and how you can take advantage of the connector platform to extend your data sources for Microsoft Flow, PowerApps, and Power BI. In this session, we will share Microsoft's roadmap and vision for the connector platform and show real examples. Following the overview, we'll start with an example session building a connector to Yelp. Full details of the steps we will be following are available in the EUM blog.

From there we'll move on to how we built custom connectors for our Extranet User Manager product. Examples will include using Flow to automate the creation of EUM groups and assigning of permissions to newly created SharePoint sites, triggering of Flow workflows as part of the EUM user registration process using webhooks, and analyzing EUM login activity and audit history through our Power BI connector.


6:00pm – Pizza and social

6:30pm – Introductions and Q&A

7:00pm – Feature Presentation

8:30pm – Prizes and closing

Peter Carson headshot  

About Peter Carson

Peter Carson, President of Extranet User Manager and a Microsoft MVP, is a recognized expert in Office 365, SharePoint, and Extranet strategies. Read Peter's full bio and check out some of EUM's recent articles and blogs for all things extranet related.

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