Webinar: SharePoint Extranet

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Do you want to leverage SharePoint for your member's portal, customers, vendors, partners, or board of directors? Would you like to empower the business to manage this themselves, with appropriate governance and security? Do your end-users need a rich experience, including easy login, password reset, and possibly even self-registration?

Microsoft SharePoint delivers a secure platform that allows a tailored approach towards achieving business goals with an Extranet. A SharePoint Extranet can support the following objectives:

  • Build an online community
  • Allow interaction between organization and customers, partners, vendors, and volunteers
  • Reduce supply chain inefficiencies
  • Offer customer self-service strategies
  • Share business resources with partners

During this Webinar you'll learn how to leverage SharePoint for your external users. Key points will be:

  • Out of the box SharePoint experience
  • Federation using ADFS, Windows Live, or Facebook integration
  • Identity management using the Envision IT Extranet User Manager
  • Extending the authentication experience using Microsoft Forefront Threat Management Gateway or Unified Access Gateway

Discover how our clients are using SharePoint to transform their businesses, lower costs and maximize growth potential in a variety of scenarios:

  • As an Internet website members-only area developed for non-profit organizations (www.bgccan.com)
  • As a series of health care portals (www.problemgambling.ca)
  • As a platform for retail websites to enable tenants to post promotions and job offerings (www.torontoeatoncentre.com)
  • As a Volunteer Information Portal for charitable events (Heart and Stroke Foundation)

Envision IT's Extranet User Manager for SharePoint is an add-on product that gives you the following:

  • Simplifies the creation and management of Extranet user accounts by business users through the web interface
  • Forms-based login using email address, whether your users are in SQL or Active Directory
  • Corporate staff can log in automatically with their Windows credentials against the same URL
  • Password change and self-serve retrieval of lost usernames and password
  • Customizable welcome email with account validation and secure password setup
  • Self-registration with approvals process
  • Display of all sites that a user or group has access to
  • A Landing page provides extranet users with a list of sites they can access, making it easy to navigate

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