Webinar: SharePoint 2010 on Azure

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SharePoint 2010 
Windows Azure 

Thursday, November 29, 2012

1:00 PM - 2:00 PM​ EST

SharePoint 2010 For Internet Sites (FIS) on Windows Azure enables you ​to:

  • Rapidly deploy and host your business websites on a secure, scalable cloud infrastructure

  • Rapidly deploy the infrastructure for a partner extranet site

  • Rapidly deploy the infrastructure for a customer internet site using Windows Azure virtual machines

With SharePoint FIS on Windows Azure you can scale as your website traffic grows and pay only for what you use.

In this session we will discuss how SharePoint FIS on Windows Azure helps reduce your time-to-market with new websites, provide a full extensible platform for both internal and external websites, and only pay for what you need.

We will also showcase the consultation and deployment options available for you from Envision IT. Envision IT is an Azure Circle Partner, with specific capabilities and experiences rolling out SharePoint FIS on Azure.

Be sure to check out the other webcasts on Azure in this series, happening throughout November and December, ​2012.​

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