Webinar: Extranets in SharePoint 2013

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SharePoint 2013

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

2:00 - 3:00 PM EST

Microsoft SharePoint delivers a secure platform that allows a tailored approach towards achieving business goals with an Extranet. A SharePoint Extranet can support the following objectives:

  • Build an online community

  • Allow interaction between organization and customers, partners, vendors, and volunteers

  • Reduce supply chain inefficiencies

  • Offer customer self-service strategies

  • Share business resources with partners

Whether you are building a fully branded Extranet with self-registration and approval workflows, or simply exposing your team sites to external partners easily and with proper governance, SharePoint is the premier platform of choice.

Whether it is on premise or in the cloud with Office 365, there are a myriad of options to consider: 

  • Creating accounts in AD or SQL, forms-based, reverse proxy, or ADFS authentication 

  • External identities such as Microsoft accounts, Facebook, or Google

  • DMZs, firewall ports, and trusts

  • Licensing options and subscriptions

Learn about all of the above and more for SharePoint 2010/2013 on premise and in the cloud, and how to build a rich user experience for your staff and external partners in your Extranet.

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