Webinar: How to Balance Security and Usability for Extranet Single Sign On

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Webinar Series

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

2:00 - 3:00 PM EST

Why a SharePoint Extranet?

With governance over email and external file sharing services becoming increasingly significant, it is crucial that organizations have a secure portal to communicate and collaborate with external users. Microsoft SharePoint delivers a platform that allows a tailored approach towards a robust, manageable Extranet. In this Webinar, Envision IT will demonstrate a variety of accessibility and authentication scenarios that ensure a rich extranet user experience is maintained for all staff and external users, regardless of the security issues.

We will explore:

  • What is a DMZ and why won’t IT Security let me connect to resources there with my internal credentials?

    • Learn how to leverage Microsoft AD FS to allow you to connect without opening any internal firewall ports

  • IT Security says we have a reverse proxy to our internal SharePoint for staff remote access, but they won’t let me allow external users in

    • See how the Extranet User Manager’s federated login securely allows those users in without opening ports or establishing trusts to the external user store

  • I want a seamless sign-up and login experience for my internal and external users

    • Our EZRealm home realm discovery detects internal users and redirects them through the internal ADFS login process seamlessly, without them ever having to enter credentials

    • External users can self-register and create their Extranet accounts, with or without approval workflows

    • Once registered they can log in with their email address and password, or reset their password if they’ve forgotten it

    • Internal users can also log in externally through ADFS with their standard AD credentials, or VPN access can be required for them for additional security

  • What about Single Sign-On to my non-SharePoint applications?

    • Learn how claims and federation are the future direction for Single Sign-On across all types of web applications (not just Microsoft ones or SharePoint

    • See what is involved in getting a sample ASP.NET web application running with single sign-on

  • What is this new Web Application Proxy service in Windows Server 2012 R2?

    • This replaces much of the functionality in Microsoft Forefront TMG and UAG

    • It is a secure way to publish your Extranet or your internal ADFS

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