Webinar: SharePoint for Extranets

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​​Extranets in Office 365 SharePoint Online

Friday, February 20, 2015

1:00 - 2:00 PM EST

SharePoint is a powerful tool for collaboration. This works well for users in your organization, but how do you extend it beyond the firewall? Approving and managing users, getting them their credentials, and dealing with forgotten passwords are some of the things that will frustrate both the business and IT. External users in Office 365 can make it easier when it works, but has little governance. Learn how to delegate this to the business, and provide a seamless single sign on experience for your external users in the cloud.​

Here's the agenda:

  • Envision IT Overview

  • Office 365 Authentication Options

    • Microsoft Accounts, Azure Active Directory Sync, and ADFS

  • Extranet Scenarios in Office 365

    • External sharing using Microsoft accounts or other federated users

    • Licensing of external users as subscribers

  • Using Extranet User Manager to create and manage the external users

    • Self-registration and approval, delegated user management, forgotten password reset

    • Leveraging the Graph API to provision and license those users in Office 365

  • Wrap-Up and Q&A

Envision IT's Extranet User Manager addresses the challenges above with the following features:

  • Simplifies the creation and management of Extranet user accounts with delegation to the business, self-registration, and approval workflows

  • Customizable login form for your external users

  • All users login using their email address as their username

  • Self-serve password reset

  • Internal users are logged in seamlessly without having to enter their credentials again

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