Webinar: Public Websites and Extranet Azure Architecture

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Tuesday, April 14, 2015

2:30 - 3:30 PM EST

SharePoint has been revolutionary in allowing organizations to better communicate and collaborate. Office 365 has gained tremendous momentum for internal SharePoint collaboration in the cloud. Azure is a big part of Microsoft's cloud strategy and has many services within it.  One of them being Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) which allows the creation of very large and complex computing systems in the Microsoft cloud. Clients can build a network of virtual machines (VMs) to install their software on, including Microsoft SharePoint. However, this is not a Software as a Service implementation, clients are still responsible for building and caring for their environments.

Join SharePoint MVP Peter Carson as he dives deep into SharePoint Farm Architecture and explores the key advantages to an IaaS strategy for your public website.  Portions of the talk will walk through the recently published white paper Public Website and Extranet Azure Architecture on Peter's blog. This article also includes a downloadable Excel calculator for pricing out your Azure farm.

Key Advantages to an IaaS strategy:
  • No need to build out on premise infrastructure can significantly shorten launch timelines
  • Changes a capital hardware and software investments to an operating subscription expense
  • Creates a highly elastic environment that can adapt to changing business requirements
  • Highly available architectures with geo-replication provide both guaranteed uptime and robust disaster recovery strategy

Here's the agenda:

  • Envision IT Overview
  • SharePoint 2013 Farm hosted in Azure
    • High availability architecture
    • Host one or more public sites
    • Extranets
  • Proposed Architecture
    • Recommended sizing
    • Pricing Options
  • Different Availability Options
    • How to test the ability to hand load using Visual Studio Ultimate

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