Webinar: SharePoint 2016 Sneak Peek and Extranet Architecture

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Thursday, May 21, 2015

9:00 - 10:00 AM EST


Join SharePoint MVP Peter Carson as he shares the new Extranet features coming in SharePoint 2016 and Office 365, and explores the architectural options of building an Extranet in SharePoint.

SharePoint 2016

At the Microsoft Ignite Conference May 4-8, the wraps started to come off SharePoint 2016. While it's still a year away, its important to understand where Microsoft is going. Come hear about how Office 365 external sharing is coming on premises, and how SAML based authentication (which is how Extranet User Manager is built) is a first class citizen and the preferred approach for browser and app authentication.

Office 365

Office 365 is evolving continuously. New features and changes are coming out from Microsoft at a rapid pace.  Plans include changes to the external sharing. Microsoft is looking to move beyond light Extranets and provide more governance and control over external sharing.

The Agenda

  • Envision IT Overview
  • Extranets Background
  • What's Coming in Office 365 External Sharing
  • SharePoint 2016 First Peeks
  • Recommended Options
    • External Sharing in Office 365
    • SharePoint On Premise or in the Cloud
      • EUM SAML Login
      • Using a Reverse Proxy Appliance with EUM
    • Office 365 with EUM
  • Q & A

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