Webinar: Extranets in Office 365

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Thursday, January 21, 2016

1:30 PM - 2:30 PM EST

SharePoint is a powerful tool for collaboration. This works well for users in your organization, but how do you extend it beyond the firewall?  Office 365 and SharePoint Online remove the infrastructure complexities, but you still have to provide a way for your external users to access it. Microsoft has several solutions, with their external sharing, and now Azure B2B.  Learn about both of these, as well as how you can use Extranet User Manager to make this process seamless for both your business owners and external users.


  • Overview of Extranet scenarios in Office 365
  • Microsoft's external sharing – how it works and where are the gaps
  • New Azure B2B Preview – what can you do with it
  • Envision IT's Extranet User Manager overview
  • Licensing requirements

Key Highlights

  • Understand what Microsoft offers today, and where their roadmap is going
  • How does Extranet User Manager fill those gaps

Related Pages

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