Webinar: Extranets in SharePoint 2016

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​​​​​​Wednesday, February 24, 2016

11:00 AM - 12:00 PM EST

Collaboration is often at the heart of how organizations use SharePoint today. While it has had a huge impact on how that collaboration gets done effectively within an organization, it is often not leveraged for collaboration external to the organization. Here ad-hoc methods like email attachments, private DropBox​ implementations, and personal OneDrive sharing are common.

In last month's webinar we talked about external collaboration wit​h Office 365. While effective for smaller groups, as your external collaboration needs grow to many hundreds or thousands of external users, Office 365 has its limitations. In these situations we still recommend going with a full implementation of SharePoint, either on premise or in the cloud on ​Azure.

With SharePoint 2016 now out in Release Candidate, we are getting strong interest in using it as an Extranet platform. We've alread​y validated our Extranet User Manager product with the beta versions, and are working with the RC as we speak. The security and authentication models ​have remained largely unchanged from SharePoint 2010 to 2013 and now 2016. This allows us to have exactly the same product support all three versions of on premise SharePoint, as well as Office 365.

Extranets in SharePoint 2016


  • Introduction to SharePoint 2016
  • Overview of Extranet scenarios in SharePoint 2016
  • Envision IT's Extranet User Manager
  • Licensing requirements - Microsoft and Envision IT

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