Webinar: Extranets In Sharepoint And SSO For Claims Apps

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Wednesday, January 18, 2017

11:00 AM - 12:00 PM EST

Have you been looking for a solution that will quickly and securely provide your partners and customers access to your enterprise information? Extranet User Manager delivers with a reasonably priced, scalable, and simple to use product.

Eliminate the need for sending documents through email and keeping track of different versions. Instead of utilizing a service like Dropbox, extend the capabilities of your SharePoint environment. This will make it much more secure to share your documents and collaborate.

The combination of SharePoint and Extranet User Manager will get the job done for you. And we've been busy releasing new versions of EUM this year, with more queued to come out shortly. During this webinar, we will use real-world customer scenarios to illustrate the following:

  • Branded and customized registration and login process
  • Federation with other Office 365 tenants through the Azure B2B service
  • Login with email for external users and automatic login for internal users
  • Fully responsive experience for desktop, tablet, and mobile end users
  • Management of external user's passwords
    • Welcome email to set the initial password
    • Forgotten password reset
    • Text and phone multi-factor authentication for additional security
    • Password expiry and forced change
  • Auditing of user setup and profile, group membership, login history, and acceptance of disclaimers
  • Delegation of approvals and user management, both within the organization and externally

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