Webinar: External Collaboration through Secure SharePoint and Office 365 Extranets

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Thursday, February 23, 2017

1:00 - 2:00 PM EST

Extranet User Manager has teamed up with our partner B&R Business Solutions to offer this webinar! Join us on February 23 to learn more about external collaboration. 

SharePoint is a great tool for collaborating, whether you use the on premise versions or Office 365. In most organizations, collaboration includes not only internal users, but external ones as well. Traditionally many people rely on email for document collaboration externally which can quickly become unmanageable, particularly as the number of participants and documents grow.

Many then turn to shadow IT services like Dropbox which cannot be actively managed or governed by corporate policies. A secure Extranet is an ideal way to overcome this problem facilitate external collaboration in a secure, controlled setting.

In this session we’ll go over what an Extranet is, why you would want one, review some of the common challenges and then discuss the various options for delivering a secure Extranet your users will love. We will then look at the Extranet User Manager product and how it can be leveraged to address some of the common Extranet challenges such as directory management and the overall user experience.

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