Webinar: Extranet User Manager V4 Release

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Thursday, September 14, 2017

1 - 2 PM EST

On September 14, we'll be taking the wraps off our brand new Extranet User Manager Version 4 release.  This is a top to bottom re-architecture of our product, which will support Office 365, SharePoint On-Premises 2010, 2013, and 2016, as well as single sign-on to claims aware apps in general.

EUM V4 Admin Page 

This release comes at the culmination of eight months of hard work completed by the entire Extranet User Manager team.  Some of the key differences over the prior versions are as follows:

  • Built on top of the new Identity Server 4 stack (http://docs.identityserver.io/en/release/)
  • Support for single sign-on with OpenID Connect and OAuth 2.0, as well as legacy WS-Federation
  • Modern REST API for all EUM functionality
  • Admin and end user pages built using Bootstrap responsive HTML and jQuery
    • Simple for web developers to brand, modify, and customize
    • Registration fields can be easily added or removed through HTML changes
  • End user and admin pages run in their own web app, or can be embedded directly into your own app pages (SharePoint or otherwise)
  • Scalable to hundreds of thousands of external users or more
  • Full configuration of the underlying Identity Server through EUM Admin
  • Rich text editor for email template editing

Join us for this exciting webinar! We have worked hard on the latest release and cannot wait to share it with you.

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