Webinar: Office 365 External Sharing

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Tuesday, November 7, 2017

11 AM – 12 PM EST

External sharing is all about publishing or collaborating with people outside of your organization. In Office 365, this can be done in a number of ways. You can do it directly in some products, such as SharePoint, or through the underlying Azure Active Directory B2B (Business to Business) functionality.

Office 365
External Sharing 

In this session, we’ll start by talking about why you should care about external sharing. Users will find ways to do it regardless (typically through email or shadow IT), so you need to provide an easy way for them to do it effectively and securely through your enterprise software (Office 365).  Microsoft has made it very easy to do external sharing from anywhere, but this has caused many organizations to turn it off all together. We’ll go over scenarios where you want the standard sharing (OneDrive for Business is a common example) and where you need to provide more structure. A properly designed information architecture in SharePoint allows people to invite external users to their sites, without breaking permissions and opening security holes. We’ll show you how you can do this today in your organization using the out of the box Office 365 and Azure B2B experience, and how we can then make it even better with our Extranet User Manager product.

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