Webinar: Site Provisioning and Integration with Masthead Global Navigation

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microsoft 365 analytics

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

12 - 1 PM EDT

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This is the second episode in the three part webinar series being delivered by Masthead, Extranet User Manager, and tyGraph.

Part 1: Global Navigation

September 13, 2018

Part 2: Site Provisioning

September 18, 2018

This webinar builds on our open source Site Provisioning solution we've published that provides the foundation to enable power users to simply request sites in SharePoint Online, ensuring an appropriate governance plan is in place to avoid site sprawl. This solution is completely automated and allows IT administrators to be hands off with the site provisioning process. The source is available at GitHub and the full white paper can be downloaded from our Site Provisioning Whitepaper page.

In this webinar we will be discussing:

  • Why is governance important when provisioning sites
  • Review of the site provisioning request form and workflow delivered using 
    • Microsoft PowerApps, Flow, and Azure Functions
    • Templated creation of Microsoft Teams, Office 365 Groups, and SharePoint Modern Team Sites
  • Creating landing pages to help users find and navigate to their sites
  • Integrating Masthead's global navigation into the process so new sites have a consistent top nav and footer
  • Updating the nav to point to the landing pages
  • Adding a breadcrumb to the Masthead nav that visualizes where the user is in the overall site structure
  • Further nav customizations for branding and improved search experiences
SharePoint A-Z Listing with Masthead 

Take site provisioning automation and navigation one step further with the Extranet User Manager team! Register for our webinar and learn more about our open source solution.

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