Webinar: Mining Office 365 Data for Gold with tyGraph

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How to navigate, manage, and analyze in Office 365 with Masthead, Extranet User Manager, and tyGraph

Thursday, September 20, 2018

This is the third episode in the three part webinar series being delivered by Masthead, Extranet User Manager, and tyGraph.

Part 1: Global Navigation

September 13, 2018

Part 2: Site Provisioning

September 18, 2018

Part 3: Office 365 Analytics

September 20, 2018

This webinar will show you how to tap into data that already exists in your Office 365 tenant. We will explain what tools are available out of the box from Microsoft and show you how to get deeper insights with tyGraph.

In this webinar we will be discussing:

  • What's available out of the box -Administration Portal and Usage Analytics
  • Removing deployment blockers with audit level analytics
  • Vanity metrics and how not to be lured by them
  • Case studies -Telling great stories with data
Office 365 Data with tyGraph  

Understand the value of key stakeholder metrics for Office 365 including SharePoint, OneDrive, Teams, Skype and Yammer. Register for this webinar and learn how you can mine for gold in your Office 365 tenant space.

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