Webinar: Understanding Single Sign On and Authentication Protocols

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Tuesday, January 29, 2019

12 - 1 PM EDT

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Through our years of experience with our flagship product, Extranet User Manager (EUM), we're deeply ingrained and well versed in the world of authentication protocols. EUM is a solution that can provide Single Sign On (SSO) to applications via an ever growing list of authentication protocols. These include the following:

  • OpenID Connect
  • SAML 2
  • WS Federation
OpenID Connect graphic

We have worked with many different clients assisting them with their SSO implementations. Open ID Connect is the most modern of these protocols, and will be the focus for this session. We'll be going over the five main flows in Open ID Connect:

  • Implicit Flow – Web Applications
  • Hybrid Flow - APIs
  • Native Applications - Mobile
  • Server Apps
  • Multiple Hops - API to API

We're pleased to have guest speaker Brock Allen presenting this session. A Microsoft MVP for ASP.NET/IIS, he is also the co-author of the open source IdentityServer project, which provides the underlying architecture for Extranet User Manager.

The goal of this webinar is to provide a background on the origins of authentication protocols, the foundational understanding of how they integrate, and where you may be able to leverage them in your organization. The agenda for the webinar is as follows:

  • Guest speaker introductions
  • Background of authentication protocols
  • Comparison of SAML vs. OpenID Connect protocols
  • Review authentication flows; e.g. implicit, hybrid, and client credentials
  • Accessing APIs with authentication protocols
  • Business motivations for utilizing authentication protocols

Peter Carson headshot 

About Peter Carson

Peter Carson, President of Extranet User Manager and a Microsoft MVP, is a recognized expert in Office 365, SharePoint, and Extranet strategies. Read Peter's full bio and check out some of EUM's recent articles and blogs for all things Microsoft and extranet related.

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