Webinar: Valo Teamwork and Extranet User Manager

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Office 365 cloud logo with Extranet User Manager and Valo logos with lock graphic

Thursday, February 21, 2019

12 - 1 PM EDT

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Valo Teamwork brings together all your collaboration tools and makes working with multiple teams easy! Extranet User Manager brings your customers, partners, and vendors together in a secure online portal. Together, the two products allow you to easily request and create shared spaces in Office 365, and invite your external partners in securely.

Using Microsoft Flow, we'll show how we integrate the two products to provide a seamless experience for site owners and external users alike. Sites created through Valo can be private for invitation only, or available for registration through private links or a public registration page, with access managed including full approvals and auditing by EUM.

Peter Carson headshot 

About Peter Carson

Peter Carson, President of Extranet User Manager and a Microsoft MVP, is a recognized expert in Office 365, SharePoint, and Extranet strategies. Read Peter's full bio and check out some of EUM's recent articles and blogs for all things Microsoft and extranet related.

Henrik Blåfield headshot 

About Henrik Blåfield

Henrik Blåfield, Senior Consultant at Valo Intranet, the award-winning Intranet + Collaboration solution on top of Office 365 / SharePoint.

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