Webinar: How to Build a Structured Extranet Using Azure AD B2B

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Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Office 365's external sharing capabilities out of the box provides an excellent solution when collaborating with external organizations in an unstructured manner. However when you want to setup a structured extranet with a larger user base to support your business, there can be challenges with what's available out of the box in Office 365.

To assist with more complex sharing scenarios, Microsoft has created Azure Active Directory Business to Business (Azure AD B2B) as an extension of core Azure Active Directory. This enables the opportunity to invite external guests into your Office 365 tenant to collaborate. Azure AD B2B provides the fundamental basis for larger user group access, but there are inherent limitations that do not support delegation to the business.

SharePoint, Office 365, and Azure logos

Utilizing our Extranet User Manager product, features like self-registration with private and public groups, approval processes that can include Microsoft Flow, and streamlined onboarding are all supported, simplifying your administration and user management. With EUM, you can even delegate user management to either the actual business owners or event he external stakeholders, removing IT as a gate keeper!

In this webinar we will discuss:

  • Azure AD B2B functionalities OOTB
  • Azure AD B2B licensing
  • Recent enhancements to the Azure AD B2B invitation process
  • Extranet User Manager's value-add to Azure B2B
  • New Groups and Users Webpart to invite and manage external users right within SharePoint Online and Microsoft Teams
  • New public website template to allow external users to discover and join public and private groups, with or without approvals
  • Microsoft Flow Connector to customize the workflows and emails for all of the above

Peter Carson headshot  

About Peter Carson

Peter Carson, President of Extranet User Manager and a Microsoft MVP, is a recognized expert in Office 365, SharePoint, and Extranet strategies. Read Peter's full bio and check out some of EUM's recent articles for our latest news and thoughts on all things extranets.

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