Teams, Channels, Groups and Site Governance, Automation, and External Sharing

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With the overwhelming interest in our existing Open Source Site Provisioning solution, we had no choice but to extend its current capabilities. Initially focused on SharePoint site creation, it is now also a Microsoft Teams solution. Not only does it provide governance and automation around the creation of new Teams, but it also manages the channel creation process, including setting up the appropriate tabs in Teams, sections in OneNote, Planner buckets and tasks, and structure in SharePoint.

This solution has been extended with the following features:

  • Not only support the creation of Teams but also Channels within Teams through a new Channels SPFx add-in for Teams
  • Creation of Sections in OneNote for the Channels
  • Creation and templating of Planner Plans for the Channels
  • SharePoint folder and document structure
  • Setup of tabs within Teams for all of the above

We then build on this with our external sharing features in Extranet User Manager:

  • Group Member web part that can be used in Teams and SharePoint to invite users into the SharePoint site
  • New All Groups web part that shows external users
    • Groups they belong to
    • Groups they are pending approval for
    • Public groups they don't belong to that they can join

In this webinar we will cover:

  • Team, Channel, Group, and Site Provisioning open source solution
  • Teams tab templating
  • OneNote and Planner support
  • SPFx web parts for Team and Channel requests
  • Logic Apps workflow for approvals and provisioning
  • Integration with Line of Business systems like Salesforce and Dynamics 365
  • New EUM web parts
    • Group Member - existing web part
    • All Groups - new web part that shows My Groups, Pending Groups, and Groups to Join

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