Secure Development with Microsoft 365 and Azure AD (Part 1 of 2)

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Ensuring your development practices are secure is extremely important. At Extranet User Manager and Envision IT, we ensure high standards with Microsoft 365 and Azure AD are at the core of our practice.

We work with many clients and find there is a range of ways they work, some more secure than others. We have defined development practices that leverage the latest security from Microsoft and ensures all development is secure.

In this webinar we will cover:

  • Making Azure AD the centre of your application security
  • User identity versus service principals for programmatic access to Microsoft 365
  • What is appropriate to do in client-side JavaScript versus backend APIs or Logic Apps
  • Accessing SharePoint Online through JavaScript, C# .NET code, and PowerShell in Azure Automation
  • App only versus delegated access pros and cons on security, auditing, and SharePoint Online throttling
  • Common solution architecture scenarios
  • Scaling your Azure App Service for API performance, as well as mitigating SharePoint Online throttling

Webinar Series

This webinar is part 1 of 2 in a series focusing on Secure Development in the Microsoft Cloud. Be sure to register for Part 2 of the webinar series below!

Microsoft 365 SDLC Best Practices (Part 2 of 2)

Microsoft 365 SDLC Best Practices (Part 2 of 2)

May 04, 2021 • 12 – 1 PM EDT

This webinar is Part 2 of 2 in our Secure Development in the Microsoft Cloud webinar series. Previously, we reviewed how to make Azure AD core to your application security strategy.

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