SharePoint Extranet Spring Webinar Series Part 1

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​Federation ​and Office 365

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

2:00 PM - 3:00​ PM EST

Microsoft SharePoint delivers a secure platform that allows a tailored approach towards achieving business goals with an Extranet. In this Webinar Series, Envision IT will demonstrate how to build a rich user experience for your staff and external partners in your Extranet.

ADFS is the preferred way for organizations to securely connect their corporate AD to Office 365, including SharePoint Online. We’ll start this session with an overview of how to set this up so that staff inside the corporate network are automatically signed in. Next we’ll go over how this can also be leveraged for external users, including using Thinktecture Identity Server to provide a rich login experience and Apps authentication.

Here's the agenda:

  • Envision IT Overview
  • Office 365 Authentication Options
    • Microsoft Accounts, DirSynced AD accounts, and ADFS
  • What is Federation and how does it work?
    • ADFS, SAML tokens, Trusted Identity Providers, Relying Parties
  • Setting up ADFS with Office 365
    • ADFS architecture, on premise and in Azure
    • High availability and redundancy, both for the ADFS infrastructure and your Internet connectivity
    • Validating and configuring ADFS with Office 365
    • Home realm discovery with Office 365, and how to override with Smart Links
  • Extranet Scenarios in Office 365
    • External sharing using Microsoft accounts or other federated users
    • Licensing of external users as subscribers
  • Federation Customization using ADFS or Thinktecture Identity Server
    • Branding of ADFS login page
    • Setting up Thinktecture Identity Server as an open source alternative to ADFS
    • Branding and customization of the TIS login page
  • Using Extranet User Manager to create and manage the external users
    • Self-registration and approval, delegated user management, forgotten password reset
    • Leveraging the Graph API to provision and license those users in Office 365
  • SharePoint App Authentication Alternatives
    • Challenges with SharePoint Apps Authentication
    • A client side and REST API app model
    • Using TIS to create JSON web tokens (JWT) for app authentication
  • Wrap-Up and Q&A​

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