SharePoint Extranet Spring Webinar Series Part 3

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​Extranet User Provisioning

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

2:00 PM - 3:00 PM EST

Microsoft SharePoint delivers a secure platform that allows a tailored approach towards achieving business goals with an Extranet. In this Webinar Series, Envision IT will demonstrate how to build a rich user experience for your staff and external partners in your Extranet.

Determining who is responsible for creating and managing external user accounts for an Extranet is often a challenge. IT doesn’t want to be the gatekeeper. Can the business manage it, or is there a desire to delegate to the external partners themselves? Is it invitation only, or does it support self-registrations? What is the approval process? How do users get their passwords, and what do they do when they forget them? Are there external systems (such as Dynamics CRM) that are part of the registration process, and do they need to be updated?

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